What it is to live someone else's dream?
In the late 1920s when visionary architect Le Corbusier proposed his concept for "the ideal city for three million people", it represented an utopian dream to reunite man within a well-ordered environment. This reunion turned into reality in post-war Czechoslovakia (and all Eastern Bloc countries) with the massive construction of prefabricated housing estates inspired by modernistic avant-garde urban planners. Three actors, three videos and three soundtracks: the experimetal site-specific performance.
"The Radiant City" is questioning the issues of collective cohabition and "utopian realities" of past and today. 

The radiant performance proposes a radical new form of theatrical interactivity. Three channel soundsystem allows the audience to switch between three paralell scenes. By offering multiple viewpoints it creates an open audiovisual enviroment, where everyone can make up their own interpretations.

Presented within Fast Forward Festival - Dresden 2017.

Available in German or English or Czech language.

Concept: Jan Mocek, Táňa Švehlová
Cast: Philipp Schenker, Irina Andreeva, Halka Třešňáková
Producent: Sixhouses z.s.
Supported by Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Praha 14 kulturní, Art Prometheus